Thursday, May 07, 2020

Garden News April 2020

Of course, with the shutdown of all activities relating to gatherings no garden presentations or visitors during the month of April.
Instead I have been steadily working on improving the garden, nothing new in the way of garden beds just improving existing gardens with soil, compost, trimming ect and a few repair jobs.

I had a massive load to the dump every week.
I believe visitors will notice.
No rain during April so it’s back to hand on hose watering gardens, painful but has to be done. Lucky the tanks were filled during March’s rain event.
I had my 75th Birthday, but it was a non-event really but Judy did make me a nice dinner and Pavlova for dessert.

Here are some photos of April’s plants, a lot of these are from the Aroid family which I suppose one could say is the latest plant fad. The prices some of these are fetching is crazy.

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