Saturday, March 30, 2013

Garden News March 2013

We started off the month with a presentation to the’ Bayside Garden Club’ based in Wynnum then I travelled across the sea all the way to ‘Coochie Mudlo’ Island to give another presentation.
The final presentation for the month was for the ‘Beenleigh Garden Club’.
In between all that we had our charity ‘Open Garden’.
The Lions Club needed to raise $2580 for the ‘Flux posterior walker’, we ended up raising $3344 which gave the Lions Club enough left over to help someone else in need.
 Pictures from our 'Open Garden'

We were disappointed with the numbers as only 330 people attended. We found it was very difficult to get the message across as we were virtually ignored by the major papers and the local paper for Wynnum only has a stamp size article, as usual our local paper ‘Bayside Bulletin’ was very good.

The visitors who came willingly paid the $5 entry, bought a raffle ticket and sat down for refreshments, some even made an extra donation, but most of all everyone left happy.

Special mention to Clair Levander from Radio 4BC’s gardening show, she was a great help and certainly is a worthy successor to the late and great Colin Campbell.

As most gardeners will realise it took a great deal of work to get the garden ready for showing and when we opened the garden looked great, some of the comments from people were fantastic and quite a few visitors had been to the well known Sunnybank Garden a couple of weeks ago and said they enjoyed ours more.

I have pebbled another pathway and started to build another archway across one of the garden tracks.

 Canna edulis
 Euphorbia geroldii
 Toad Lily
 Costus amazonius
 Aeschynanthus 'Hot Flash'
 Euphorbia trigonia
 Stapelia hirsuta 'Starfish Flower'
 Piper 'Kava'
 Tacca 'White Bat Plant'

 The evolution of our garden never stops.

I have just finished a third garden presentation called ‘Bizarre and Beautiful Botanicals’, I am very pleased with this and the Garden Clubs should love it. It consists of 220 power point slides of some of the very rare plants we have and some of the most beautiful.

This blog get's over 200 visitors every day with over 72,000 visits, this gives me a real thrill to think so many people from so many different countries have seen our garden.

Don't forget to see my review site found at I have just done a scathing review of a Hills product and their bad service.

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