Wednesday, July 02, 2008

June Garden

Well, finally a wet start to a month.
We had 6.5 inches of rain in the first week of June with good follow up showers for the next couple of weeks. All the water tanks are full, so the water outlook is looking good for winter.
I haven’t said this for a long time, but we need a small dry spell so I can do some of the dry weather jobs that need doing.
I have used all of our sugar cane mulch and cannot get any more until the end of July.
I have started to use last Septembers compost, it is very good brew, dark, fine and rich, this was all the shredded material from last years custard apple prune, I know it takes a long time but it’s well worth the wait.
We are having a meeting of the ‘Internatonal Cordyline Society’ at our home during June, of course the garden is in winter mode so it will not be at it’s best, but, Cordylines always look good at this time of year.

There was a display of photos on canvas at our local shopping centre and that set me thinking, how good would the shade house wall look with a selection of pictures from our garden, so I have ordered three at 750mm x 750mm and perhaps I will order one rectangular one once I see the quality, should look good.
I have also come up with the idea of two battery-operated waterfalls for two of the small ponds along the garden trails.
The photos on canvas are brilliant and will be a great addition to the ‘Open Garden’.
The meeting went well and all enjoyed our garden.


Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

I was looking forward to see your next blog. I like Cordylines very much. I think they are a great asset in our subtropical gardens. You have a beautiful garden, I have visited it through the "blogosphere".

Aiyana said...

I had no idea you got so much rain there. We get 7 inches a year! We can grow many Australian plants here in Arizona, but they must originate from other parts of your country in order to do well in our arid climate.