As part of the SMART Gardener program I gave a couple of lectures on Sub Tropical Gardening at our local library, my talk seemed to be well received.
Judy has just come out of hospital after having her feet straightened, so I will be looking after her for a while as she will not be very mobile for a few weeks.
Scott did very well at the World Disabled Water Ski Championships winning gold and three silver medals, still a ‘World Champion’.
I spoke at the Aspley Garden Club, friendship day; Judy could not join me due to the surgery.
I have hurt my shoulder and am in a lot of pain, had cortisone injections and have bought a ‘circulation booster’ which is fantastic and is helping relieve the pain.
We have not had a spring; it’s just gone straight to summer.
We have had days and days of very strong winds with dust storms, the weather can only be described as awful, and it’s just so dry, only 8mm of rain since July. I can honestly say this period is the driest I have known.
We have emptied three tanks and are getting desperate; gardening is such a stressful hobby, it’s a real battle just to keep our plants alive.
Due to the very mild winter and early heat everything is going to flower early this year, caladiums out already!
I visited our local landscape yard the other day and fell in love with some large boulders they had, they had a reddish tinge which goes with the colours of our house, so I bought them and had them delivered on the front lawn.
I then used a crowbar to put them in position (no wonder I have a crook shoulder) brought some soil in and planted four ‘Black Boys’ or to be politically correct ‘Grass Trees’, so my project intended for 2010 has been completed in time for our 2009 ‘Open Garden’.
I am still on long service leave and probably will not retire until mid 2010.